Electroacoustic transducers (EAT) are devices, which transform electric energy to energy of acoustic fluctuations. Principles of action, design of transducers for work in air and water as well as for non-destructive control are described in the book. New technologies of designing EAT, not only expanding designing possibilities, are described. They also allow to create transducers with improved characteristics. In particular, methods to increase target capacity (sound pressure), decrease working (resonant) frequency of transducers and expand frequencies of projectors and sound receivers are developed. Methods and control units of transducers in batch production of transducers are described, too.General Information about Electro-Acoustic Transducers.- Piezo-ceramic Elements for PEAT.- Electro-Acoustic Transducers.- Hydro-Acoustic Transducers.- Transducers with Non-Destructive Control.- The Technologies of PEAT Synthesis.Valeriy Sharapov, 09 January 1944, Ukraine, doctor of technical sciences (doctor habil.), professor, department head of Cherkassy State Technological University (Ukraine), author of approximately 300 articles, 500 patents of inventions and 12 books in Engineering and Management. He graduated from Shostka ChemicalTechnological College (Ukraine) and branch of the Moscow Engineering Physical Institute (Presently - Seversk State Technological Institute of Ministry of Atomic Industry of Russian Federation). A Doctorate in Sciences was awarded? in 1996 in the Odessa National Polytechnic University. Teaches Sensors, Technology of instrument-making. Interests: sensors, devices and systems for atomic, rocket industry, medical devices, piezoceramic sensors, analysis of the systems, technologies of management, non-destructive methods of control.Electroacoustic transducers (EAT) are devices which transform electric energy to energy of acoustic fluctuations. Principles of action, design of transducers for work in air and?water as well as?for non-destructils8