Challenging the standard views that individual leaders either have all the power or little room to move in the making of foreign policy, this book demonstrates various ways that leaders succeed by manipulating elements of their domestic and international environments.Leadership in Foreign Policy Forcing Peace: John Hume's Long Struggle in Northern Ireland, 1982-1998 From the Outside In: George H.W. Bush and the Persian Gulf War, August 1990 - January 1991 Resisting Change: Mugabe against the People's Struggle in Zimbabwe, 1998-2005 The South African Miracle: Mandela's Struggle in a Globalized Transition, 1985-1994 Pakistan's Musharraf: The War on Terror and Fueling the Jihad, 2001-2005 Concluding Observations
Andrea K. Grove has produced an innovative framework for helping us understand the vital role of leadership in foreign policy. Her focus on leadership strategies deftly combines creative IR theorizing with solid comparative case studies, resulting in a persuasive, genuinely cross-national work of foreign policy scholarship. The book's accessible style and clearly articulated theoretical argument will be welcomed by student and scholar alike. Political Leadership in Foreign Policy is a refreshing and engaging contribution to the field.
-Brian Ripley, Department of Political Science, Mercyhurst College
In an interdependent world in which political leaders often find themselves at the mercy of events beyond their control, Grove identifies four recurring strategies by which successful leaders generate support for their policy ideas. Using cases involving Pakistan, South Africa, the United Kingdom, the United States, and Zimbabwe, her innovative study is a 'must read' for those in leadership positions as well as by the academics who study them. Political Leadership in Foreign Policy is a significant addition to the field of leadership studies, as it offers strategic guidance for all organizational leaders.