Chris Altrock's timely book brings us back to the one who is the source and pattern of all prayer: Jesus Christ. Prayers from the Pit listens in on Jesus' most intimate conversations with his heavenly Father. Those who long for a deeper, richer, and more honest relationship with God would do well to follow Chris's example, and come to sit at the feet of the Master. Christopher Webb, president, Renovar? We all face troubles of many kinds. In this warm, simple, and challenging book, Chris Altrock invites us to be drawn into the relationship between Jesus and the Father, a relationship formed and sustained by prayer. By participating in that relationship, our troubles are transformed. We see the world anew. We find guidance and peace for the day. Gary Holloway; director, World Convention; Praying Dangerously Clear, down-to-earth, user-friendly and user-realistic, Altrock's study of Jesus as a pray-er and of His prayers is unique in my experience. It is also as full of grace as it is of help and sound instruction. Phyllis Tickle, THE DIVINE HOURS Too often Christians reduce the prayer life of Jesus to the Lord's Prayer and emphasize his teaching on prayer over his praying. Altrock points us to the deep well that the actual prayers of Jesus can be for our own praying. In very practical ways he teaches us to pray with Jesus. Randy Harris, Abilene Christian University Chris Altrock serves as the Preaching Minister for the Highland Street Church of Christ in Cordova, TN. He taught classes as an adjunct instructor at Oklahoma Christian University and the Harding University Graduate School of Religion, from which he earned a Doctor of Ministry degree in 2001. In recent years, he has been involved in urban ministry, currently serving as a partner to Memphis Urban Ministry, a member of the Joint Urban Ministry Partners (Memphis, TN) and the Faith in Memphis Panel of Religious Leaders, and a board member of Mission Alive in Dallas. Chris and his wife Kendra have two cl^