Pro Football at Wrigley Field brings to life the magic of Papa Bear, Gale Sayers, Crunch Butkus, Bill George, Doug Atkins, O'B? and so many other great Bears who called Wrigley Field home during the most unique decade in pro football history. What I would give? to see just one more meeting between Halas and Vince Lombardi in what was for years the loudest ballpark in the NFL. Your book is an award winner.? Chet Coppock
A marvelous tribute to toughness, speed, skill, passion, and, most of all, visual art. Brings back many memories for me. I just wish my Dad was still here to see your wonderful photos. He would have gotten the biggest kick and memories from Wrigley Field. Wonderful!!!
Tim Dooley .
This comment is typical of those who have purchased Pro Football at Wrigley Field. With over 240 photographs by photographer Ron Nelson, this 106 page book is filled with the great stars of the 60's who played in the NFL. Text is by Beth Gorr and the forward is by Ronnie Bull. Quotes by Mike Ditka, Ed O'Bradovich, Doug Buffone, Gale Sayers, Mike Pyle and Maury Youmans reveal what is was like to play football at Wrigley Field. This is a must for football fans and those who enjoy looking at the action of the game. A must for your collection.
- Used Book in Good Condition