Procrustean methods are used to transform one set of data to represent another set of data as closely as possible. The name derived from the Greek myth where Procrustes invited passers-by in for a pleasant meal and a night's rest on a magical bed that would exactly fit any guest. He then either stretched the guest on a rack or cut off their legs to make them fit perfectly into the bed. Theseus turned the tables on Procrustes, fatally adjusting him to fit his own bed. The text is the first systematic overview of Procrustean methods in one volume, presenting a unifying Analysis of Variance framework for different matching methods and the development of statistical tests.
1. Introduction
2. Initial transformations
3. Two-set Procrustes problems: generalities
4. Orthogonal Procrustes problems
5. Projection Procrustes problems
6. Oblique Procrustes problems
7. Other two-sets Procrustes problems
8. Weighting, scaling and missing values
9. Generalised Procrustes problems
10. Analysis of variance framework
11. Incorporating information on variables
12. Accuracy and stability
13. Links with other methods
14. Some application areas, future and conclusion
A1. Configurations
A2. Rotations and reflections
A3. Orthogonal projections
A4. Oblique axes
A5. A minimisation problem
A6. Symmetric matrix products
The contents of this book are interesting and are not found in standard statistics textbooks...This book should provoke interest and curiosity amony statisticians about Procrustes analysis. --TECHNOMETRICS
Although he authors go into many technical details of Procrustes methods, their style is still very clearI can strongly recommend
Procrustes Problemsto those interested in Procrustes methods. --
Journal of the American Statistical AssociationJohn C. Goweris on the Editorial board of Journal of ClasslĂ9