The effects of various space environment factors like atomic oxygen, vacuum ultraviolet radiation, charging, micrometeoroids, meteoroid showers, etc. on materials and structures in various orbits are discussed. In addition the ways to prevent these effects or reduce them through protection by coatings or modification of affected surfaces are considered in the book. The discussions on development of predictive models of material erosion that will allow the materials engineers and designers of future spacecraft to evaluate materials' behaviour is continued from the past meetings.ThispublicationpresentstheproceedingsofICPMSE-7,theSeventhInternational Conference on Protection of Materials and Structures from Space Environment, held in Toronto May 1013, 2004. The ICPMSE series of meetings became an important part of the LEO space communitysinceitwasstartedin1991.Sincethen,themeetinghasgrownsteadily, establishing itself as the only North American event covering the various aspects of materials protection in LEO and attracting a large number of engineers, - searchers, managers, and scientists from industrial companies, scienti?c insti- tionsandgovernmentagenciesinCanada,USA,Asia,andEurope,thusbecoming a true international event. The ICPMSE-7 meeting continued the tradition of the previous meetings including in the program the topics on protection of materials in GEO and Deep Space. The conference was organized by Integrity Testing Laboratory Inc. (ITL), and hosted by the University of Torontos Institute for Aerospace Studies (UTIAS). The meeting was sponsored by: a) The Materials and Manufacturing Ontario (MMO) and the CRESTech, two Ontario Centres of Excellence that from April 1, 2004 joined under the - tario Centres of Excellence Inc. (OCE Inc) a not-for-pro?t, member-based corporation dedicated to establishing Ontario as the place to be for innovation; b) MD Robotics; c) The Integrity Testing Laboratory (ITL) and d) The University of Toronto Institute for Aerospace Stl*