This comprehensive guide to everything you need to know about PR provides a theoretical overview and practical advice for PR professionals new to health care and new ideas and insights for veterans. The authors explain how the PR function can contribute to the success of the contemporary health care organization.List of Figures and Tables.
About the Author.
1. Introduction.
2. The Role of Public Relations in Health Care.
3. Integrating the Public Relations Function within the Organization and the System.
4. Senior Public Relations Officer-CEO Relationship.
5. Organizing the Public Relations Function.
6. Public Relations and Institutional Planning.
7. The Role of Research in Health Care Public Relations.
8. Developing Stakeholder Relationships: The Core of Health Care Public Relations.
9. Identifying and Managing Issues.
10. Community Relations.
11. Media Relations.
12. Crisis Communication.
13. Publications.
14. Marketing Communications.
15. Other Public Relations Methods.
16. Relationships with Special Audiences: Employees.
17. Relationships with Special Audiences: Customer (Patients, Members, Subscribers, Families).
18. Relationships with Special Audiences: Physicians.
19. Relationships with Special Audiences: Payers and Intermediaries (Employers, Insurers, and Managed Care Organizations).
20. Building Relationships with Special Audiences: Legislators and Policy Makers.