This book focuses on the problems of the Quaternary in South America and Antarctic Peninsula, with a strong emphasis in the paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic approach. It is based on contributions presented at the South American Regional Meeting held in Neuquen, Argentina.1. Late Tertiary mammals of southern South America as indicators of climatic deterioration 2. Stratigraphy of the Quaternary piedmont deposits of the R?o de Las Tunas Valley, Mendoza, Argentina 3. Critical catalogue of some Chilean fossil vertebrates. I. The Deers: Complementary considerations on Antifer (Antifer niemeyeri n.sp.), the Pleistocene Giant Jeer 4. The Quaternary of Northeastern Argentina 5. Late Quaternary continental environments of Argentina: Evidence from pollen analyses of the upper 2 meters of deep-sea core RC 12-241 in the Argentine Basin 6. A thanatocenosis of continental and marine vertebrates in the Las Escobas Fm (Holocene) of Northeastern Buenos Aires Province, Argentina 7. Pleistocene extinctions in South America 8. Quaternary landscape structuring and prehistoric human settlement: A test case in Central Sao Paulo, Brazil 9. Climatic variations during historical times in Eastern Buenos Aires Pampas, Argentina 10. Prehispanic human settlement in the Llanos de Moxos, Bolivia 11. Palynology of Quaternary sediments of Lake Chascom?s, Northeastern Buenos Aires Province, Argentina