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How to Fully Accept YourselfJust As You Are
Most of us have plenty of experience with self-blame and guiltbut we are often at a loss when it comes to forgiving ourselves. According to Colin Tipping, this is because our idea of forgiveness usually requires a victim and a perpetratorwhich is impossible when we play both roles at the same time. Tipping's Radical Forgiveness process allows us to navigate this dilemma for deep and lasting healing. To help us gain freedom from excessive inner criticism and self-sabotaging beliefs, he offers theRadical Self-Forgivenessbook and companion audio program. Join Colin Tipping to learn his step-by-step methods for going beyond the level of self-judgment and recrimination to the deeper spiritual state in which true forgiveness occurs.
What's radical about Colin Tipping's approach to forgiveness? It's not about telling ourselves a new story about something that happened, he says. It's about creating a profound shift at the spiritual level. Based on his world-renowned forgiveness workshops, theRadical Self-Forgivenessbookshares clear insights for resolving our deepest internal wounds using Tipping's five-stage forgiveness process. TheRadical Self-Forgivenessaudioedition offers a toolbox of exercises, techniques, and guided practices designed to help us break the cycle of blame and victimhoodan empowering attitude that helps us fully embrace every experience.
Many of our fears, anxieties, and even physical health problems originate from the parts of us that we consider unforgiveable. Yet when we recognize that we are worthy of forgivenessno matter who we are or what we have donewe gain access to the loving energy of spirit that can heal our deepest wounds. Used alone or in combination for an integrated practice, theRadical Self-Forgivenessbook and audio program open the doorway to the freedom and inner peace that come from true self-acceptance.
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