The central problem considered in this introduction for graduate students is the determination of rational parametrizability of an algebraic curve and, in the positive case, the computation of a good rational parametrization. This amounts to determining the genus of a curve: its complete singularity structure, computing regular points of the curve in small coordinate fields, and constructing linear systems of curves with prescribed intersection multiplicities. The book discusses various optimality criteria for rational parametrizations of algebraic curves.
The central problem considered in this introduction for graduate students is the determination of rational parametrizability of an algebraic curve and, in the positive case, the computation of a good rational parametrization.
Algebraic curves and surfaces are an old topic of geometric and algebraic investigation. They have found applications for instance in ancient and m- ern architectural designs, in number theoretic problems, in models of b- logical shapes, in error-correcting codes, and in cryptographic algorithms. Recently they have gained additional practical importance as central objects in computer-aided geometric design. Modern airplanes, cars, and household appliances would be unthinkable without the computational manipulation of algebraic curves and surfaces. Algebraic curves and surfaces combine fas- nating mathematical beauty with challenging computational complexity and wide spread practical applicability. In this book we treat only algebraic curves, although many of the results and methods can be and in fact have been generalized to surfaces. Being the solution loci of algebraic, i. e. , polynomial, equations in two variables, plane algebraiccurvesarewellsuited forbeing investigatedwith symboliccomputer algebra methods. This is exactly the approach we take in our book. We apply algorithms from computer algebra to the analysis, and manipulation of al- braic curves. lÓ0