A complete, step-by-step guide to setting up and running a successful reading workshop in grades 5-12. Part I, Management of the Reading Workshop, offers a host of specific strategies, techniques and reproducible materials for classroom management and student evaluation. Part II, Using Mini-lessons in the Reading Workshop, provides 100 different ready-to-use mini-lessons focusing on specific reading topic and skills.About reading instruction.
How to use this resource.
PART I: Management of the Reading Workshop.
Chapter 1: An overview of the reading workshop.
Reading in the reading workshop.
Reproducible: Elements of the Reading Workshop .
Teacher and student roles in the reading workshop.
Reproducibles: The role of the teacher in the reading workshop .
The value and use of mini-lessons.
A final word.
Chapter 2: Managing the reading workshop.
Building a positive atmosphere.
Setting up your classroom.
Reproducible: Student responsibilities in the reading workshop .
Reproducible: Reading Self-appraisal .
Reproducible: Promoting a positive atmosphere in your reading workshop .
Organizing your day.
Teaching methods in the reading workshop.
Reading logs.
Reproducible: Reading Log Guidelines .
Reproducible: Possible questions for reading logs .
Strategies to organize discussion groups.
Incorporating discussion groups in your reading workshop.