An experienced teacher and author, Carol Behrman helps students develop the sound foundation they need to become proficient writers throughout their lives. Included are a variety of easy-to-use reproducible activity sheets to provide review and application of basic language skills as well as extensive practice in producing the types of writing called for in standardized tests. The steps of the writing process are emphasized throughout. Each set of activities is accompanied by detailed lesson plans and suggestions to the teacher for presenting and implementing the skills and concepts being addressed. Each section is followed by a practice test focusing on the concepts and skills covered in the section, plus answer keys and scoring guides with writing samples. These practical tests will help students prepare for the types of questions they will be asked on actual tests.
About This Writing TestPrep Teaching Resource iv
Section 1: Choosing the Right Word 1
Teacher Perparation and Lessons 1
Answer Key 4
Review Test: Choosing the Right Word 32
Section 2: Making Mechanics and Usage Work for You 35
Teacher Perparation and Lessons 35
Answer Key 39
Review Test: Mechanics and Usage 73
Section 3: Writing Sentences 77
Teacher Perparation and Lessons 77
Answer Key 81
Review Test: Writing Sentences 105
Section 4: Writing Paragraphs 109
Teacher Perparation and Lessons 109
Answer Key 113
Practice Test: Writing Paragraphs 145
Section 5: Essay-Writing Techniques 151
Standardized Testing Information 151
Teacher Preparation and Lesl!