Spotlighting news articles, historical accounts, and firstperson interviews, this chronicle of human interactions with monsters will convince even the most hardened skeptic of the existence of the bogeyman, bigfoot, werewolves, and swamp creatures. Offering an array of wild reportsfrom the police officer who begrudgingly responded to a call about a longhaired woman flying over a suburban neighborhood only to find himself calling for backup when she attacked his patrol car to the motorist whose headlights illuminated a sevenfoot tall, wolflike creature that stood on its hind legsthis historical record highlights scary and unbelievable narratives. From slightly demented humans to spinetingling paranormal encounters, each outlandish occurrence is detailed with thorough research and recounted with a storyteller's crafted voice.
I don't think a list of best paranormal books for any year would be complete with a few titles from Brad Steiger. His work is always thorough, knowledgeable and engaging, and this book is no exception. It's a virtual encyclopedia of strange creatures. This is a must for every paranormal enthusiast's bookshelf.
Another creepy classic of encyclopedic proportions .... Brad's book will have you riveted to each page from beginning to end. Alternate Perceptions
YALSA Quick Picks for Reluctant Young Adult Readers Nomination American Library Association
Best Cryptozoology Collections of the Year
I've never been afraid of monsters until I read Brad Steiger's new book.
Highly entertaining and a great book for anyone interested in the weird and the frightening. FateMagazine
One of Steiger's best books yet,Real Monstersis full of the kind of stories that we have come to expect from himthe kind you have to leave the light on just to get half-way through! l#U