It is a compilation of research works related to intelligent and emerging system design using a range of tools including soft-computation. The book includes reviews, actual designs, research works, discussion and experimental results related to works in the areas of communication, computation, vision sciences, bio-inspired system design, social dynamic, related process design, etc. The audience of this book is expected to be researchers who deal with intelligent and emerging system design through mathematical and computational modeling and experimental designs. Specifically, audiences that are broadly involved in the domains of electronics and communication, electrical engineering, mathematics, computer science, other applied informatics domains and related areas will find the book interesting. The works included in the book broadly covers all areas of Electronics and Communication Engineering and Technology, Soft-computational Applications, Human Computer Interactive Designs and Social and Economic Dynamics. The works included in the volume have been grouped into Communication, Biomedical and Social Science, HCI and Bio-inspired System Design, Speech Processing and Review totaling sixteen contributions.
Part I Intelligent Applications in Communication: Paper 1. ANFIS based Symbol Recovery in Multi-Antenna Stochastic Channels.- Paper 2. STBC Decoding with ANN in Wireless Communication.- Paper 3. Carrier Phase Detection of Faded Signals using Digital Phase Locked Loop.- Paper 4. Adaptive MRC for Stochastic Wireless Channels.- Paper 5. ZF and MMSE based Equalizer Design in IEEE 802.15.4a UWB Channel.- Part II Selected Issues in Biomedical and Social Science: Paper 6. Role of Baby's Birth Symptoms and Mother's Pregnancy Conditions on Children's Disability Determined using Multiple Regression and ANN.-