Focused on the role of Central Europe in international politics at the turn of the 20th century, the authors take stock of the knowledge about the discipline of IR, enhance the visibility of scholars from Central Europe, and fill the void which has emerged after several researches on Central Europe were completed in the 1990s.PART I: INTRODUCTION TO 'CENTRAL EUROPE';  Z.`abic  & P.Drul?k About the Name Geostrategic Importance Constructing of the Region the Central European Way What is 'Central Europe' Today? The Structure of the Book In Summary Endnotes References PART II: CENTRAL EUROPE AND IR THINKING: TRADITIONS AND DISCIPLINES; P.Drul?k Introduction Ideas and Power in Central Europe Traditions of International Political Thought Masaryk: A Pragmatic Kantian Dmowski: A Moderate Hobbesian Hod~a: A Federalist Lockean Bib?: A Progressive Lockean Kardelj: A Communist Kantian Contradictions of the IR Disciplines  Conclusions References PART III: THE QUEST FOR CENTRAL EUROPE: SYMBOLIC GEOGRAPHIES AND HISTORICAL REGIONS; C.Iordachi Introduction Symbolic Geographies and the Historical Regions of Europe Defining Central Europe: In-between 'East' and 'West' Central Europe as a Dissident Concept: The Revival of Discourses on Central Europe in the 1980s 'Nesting Orientalism:' Central Europe and the Balkans Romanian Intellectuals as 'Late-comers' to the Central European Club The Balkans: Central Europe's New 'Constitutive Other'? Conclusion: The Concept of Central Europe a Tool for Comparison Endnotes References PART IV: IS CENTRAL EUROPE A REGION? A VIEW FROM OUTSIDE THE NEIGHBOURHOOD; T.J.Volgy , J.P.Rhamey  & E.Fausett Introduction 'Region-ness' An Alternative Conceptualization: 'Neighbourhood-ness' How do we Know if Central Europe is a Neighbourhood? Recognition Through Institutional Signature Substantial EconomiclÓ'