The new edition of Relational Psychotherapyoffers a theory thats immediately applicable to everyday practice, from opening sessions through intensive engagement to termination. In clear, engaging prose, the new edition makes explicit the ethical framework implied in the first edition, addresses the major concepts basic to relational practice, and elucidates the lessons learned since the first edition's publication. Its the ideal guide for beginning practitioners but will also be useful to experienced practitioners and to clients interested in the therapy process.
Preface to the Second Edition Preface to the First Edition Introduction 1. Relational Therapy and Its Contexts 2. Beginning with the Basics: Structure, Ethics, and Empathy 3. Assessment: Whats Wrong When Your Client Feels Bad? 4. Relational Trauma: Past and Present, Memory and Now 5. The Terribly Hard Part of Relational Psychotherapy 6. The Wonderfully Good Part of Relational Psychotherapy 7. Ending and Going On 8. Twelve Years Later References Index
Patricia DeYoung is the Truth! Her authenticity, wisdom, and clarity speak even more thunderously in this, her second edition of Relational Psychotherapy.Her deep humanity and resounding clinical acumen allow relational theory and therapy to come alive to a degree I don't think has been equaled in any other book on the subject. Brava! Steven Tuber, PhD, ABPP, is professor of psychology and director of clinical training in the doctoral program in clinical psychology at the City College of New York.
The temptations of jargon are seductive, and many writers in our field succumb to them in ways that enable them to gloss over sticky points in their thinking. DeYoung commits herself to a much more experience-near and jargon-free approach to describing hlÓ!