Whoever calls himself/herself a Christian needs to understand and accept the fact that God Covenanted with Abram (later, Abraham), and his seed after him, about 2000 years before there was a people called Christians (see Acts 11:26). Further, most of the religions that are classified as Christians came into existence recently, and are as diverse as the autumn leaves on trees in a forest, and are at war, covertly or overtly, with one another over many things; especially money and power. True-thinking Christians, then, should rejoice that God is so merciful and longsuffering, that He has endured with a vacillating people called Israel for such a long time, then, in the Fullness of time, incorporated Gentiles into the 'same' Abrahamic Covenant of Salvation. God is in the business of Reconciling the World unto Himself (11 Cor. 5: 19), not just Christians. I grew up in a family of strict rules, ethical and moral principles, but my spiritual birth and growth was influenced by people who lived and spoke the Word of God. My love for reading from childhood allowed me to discover Truths in the Bible for myself. The thirst for knowledge made it easy to excel in both Religion and Science-academia generally. I thank God that while excelling in science; I did not leave Religious Knowledge behind. The 'tone' of this Book sounds somewhat angry, and, indeed, I am somewhat. Because, people I regard as far more intelligent than I, refuses to prayerfully read The Word for themselves, then, just witness the wealth of knowledge the Holy Spirit is willing to impart to them. Jesus Promised, Seek and ye shall find (Luke 11:9). I hope this Book stir somebody into searching The Word.