Research in Economic History is a refereed journal, specializing in economic history, in the form of a book. This volume contains Louis Cain and Brooks Kaiser, 'A Century of Environmental Legislation'; Stefano Fenoaltea, 'The Measurement of Production: Lessons from the Engineering Industry in Italy, 1911'; Farley Grubb, 'Is Paper Money Just Paper Money? Experimentation and Variation in Paper Monies Issued by the American Colonies from 1690 to 1775'; Oriol Sabate, 'New Quantitative Estimates of Long-Term Military Spending in Spain, 1850-2009'; Eric Schneider, 'Health, Gender and the Household: Children's Growth in the Marcella Street Home, Boston MA and the Ashford School, London, UK'; Ta-Chen Wang, 'Entry, Competition and Terms of Credit in Early American Banking.'