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From an expert team in the research methods field, RESEARCH METHODS: THE ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE BASE, 2nd Edition, is written specifically for users who are new to research methods. The book streamlines and clarifies explanations of fundamental, yet difficult, concepts in a familiar, engaging style. Readers learn about the relationship between theory and practice, which helps them become better researchers and better consumers of research. I enjoy Trochim's conversational tone and careful way of describing key concepts. [This is an] excellent book for students that begin the course with anxiety about statistical concepts. I like the overall approach. The tone of writing is engaging, there is some humor, and there are several examples to clarify complicated issues. Part I: FOUNDATIONS. 1. Introduction. The Research Enterprise: What Is Research? Translational Research. Research Syntheses and Guidelines. Evidence-Based Practice. An Evolutionary Perspective on the Research Enterprise. Conceptualizing Research: Where Research Topics Come From. The Literature Review. Feasibility Issues. The Language of Research: Research Vocabulary. Types of Studies. Time in Research. Types of Relationships. Hypotheses. Variables. Types of Data. The Unit of Analysis. Deduction and Induction. The Structure of Research: Components of a Research Study. The Validity of Research. 2. Ethics. Foundations of Ethics in Research. Historical Cases of Unethical Research: Nazi Experimentation during WWII and the Nuremberg Code. Stanley Milgram's Obedience Studies. The Thalidomide Tragedy. The Tuskegee Syphilis Study. Evolution of a Modern System of Research Ethics: The Belmont Report. Related Guidelines on Human Subject Participation. Institutional Review Boards (IRBs). Ethics in Clinical Research: Patient Protection versus Access. Ethics in Research with Animals. Ethics in the Production and Publication of Scholarly Work: Honesty in Reporting. Conflict of Interest. Fairness in Publication Credit. 3. Qul.
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