Written in a clear and accessible style, this book presents a broad ranging enquiry into various methodological issues associated with contemporary youth research. Chapters cover a variety of topical areas, including youth transitions, youth in care, drugs, consumption and music. Featuring studies by new and established youth researchers, this book will be an invaluable resource for undergraduate and postgraduate students, and also those carrying out more advanced research, in the fields of sociology, social policy, health studies, cultural and media studies.Introduction: Contemporary Youth Research: Issues, Controversies and Dilemmas; M.Cieslik PART 1: YOUTH RESEARCH IN CONTEXT The Sociology of Youth, Problems, Priorities and Methods; K.Roberts Mods and Shockers: Youth Culture Research in Britain ; P.Cohen PART 2: PRINCIPLES OF PRACTICE Framing Youth: Reviewing Locally Commissioned Research on Young People, Drug Use and Drug Education; M.Jones, J.Orme & F.Starkey Onions and Apples: Problems with Comparative European Youth Research; F.Cartmel Empowering Youth in Research and Social Processes Using Critically Reflexive Action Research: Learning From Practice; B.Percy-Smith & S.Weil PART 3: IN THE FIELD Ethnography in Practice: A Case Study Illustration; R.Edmond Researching Young Women's Bodies: Values, Dilemmas and Contradictions; L.Frost E-heads Versus Beer Monsters: Researching Young People's Substance Misuse in Dance Club Settings; K.Moore PART 4: ISSUES IN ETHNOGRAPHY Double Exposure: Exploring the Social and Political Relations of Ethnographic Youth Research; R.G.Hollands Researching Young People as Consumers: Can and Should We Ask Them Why?; S.Miles The Use of 'Insider' Knowledge in Ethnographic Research on Contemporary Youth Music Scenes; A.Bennett Bibliography IndexFRED CARTMEL is Senior Research Associate in the Youth, Education and Employment Research Unit based at Glasgow University, UKPHIL COHEN is Professor of Cultural and Innovation Studies at l“?