Polysaccharide Systems are of interest to a wide range of scientists and technologists, because of their special rheological properties. This book brings together research from all relevant disciplines to provide a link between rheological theory and industrial applications. The book begins with a comprehensive survey of the structure of polysaccharides, from molecular conformations in the solid state to supramolecular structures in solutions and gels. Chaper 2 reviews the main applications of polysaccharides in industry as specialty chemicals. The third chapter draws together the basic concepts of rheology and the different approaches to the modeling of rheological behaviors. Chapter 4 deals with the rheology of polysaccharide systems in detail and the final chapter is concerned with experimental measurements and instrumentation. Recommendations are made for the choice of suitable instruments and correct treatment of data. This is an essential reference source for chemical engineers, chemists and technologists, in the food, pharmaceutical, biomedical, textile, coatings and cosmetic industries. It will also be of value to academics researching in these areas.The Polysaccharides: Sources And Structures. Industrial Applications of Polysaccharides. Rheology. Rheology of Polysaccharide Systems. Rheometry. Appendix. Index