
The Right CEO Straight Talk About Making Tough CEO Selection Decisions [Hardcover]

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  • Category: Books (Business & Economics)
  • Author:  Wackerle, Frederick W.
  • Author:  Wackerle, Frederick W.
  • ISBN-10:  078795585X
  • ISBN-10:  078795585X
  • ISBN-13:  9780787955854
  • ISBN-13:  9780787955854
  • Publisher:  Jossey-Bass
  • Publisher:  Jossey-Bass
  • Pages:  224
  • Pages:  224
  • Binding:  Hardcover
  • Binding:  Hardcover
  • Pub Date:  01-Apr-2001
  • Pub Date:  01-Apr-2001
  • SKU:  078795585X-11-MPOD
  • SKU:  078795585X-11-MPOD
  • Item ID: 101461471
  • Seller: ShopSpell
  • Ships in: 2 business days
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  • Delivery by: Apr 06 to Apr 08
  • Notes: Brand New Book. Order Now.
The CEO selection and succession process is notoriously dysfunctional. Often, the wrong person is selected or the right person is put into a situation that blocks them from doing a good job. This is the first book on the topic to address the interrelationships between the five key groups in the CEO selection process--boards, HR executives, recruiters, CEOs, and CEO candidates. The authors also identify the fatal flaws in the current CEO selection systems and offer recommendations for creating a process that will guarantee the best leadership outcome possible. The book is filled with helpful insider examples and anecdotes to illustrate how this often ineffectual process can be righted.Foreword (William W. George).


1. Why We Need a New Process Now.

2. When the Right Person Is Chosen by the Right People at the Right Time: My Blue Chip Search.

3. Real-World Issues: The Complexities That Foul Up the Selection Process.

4. The Psychologically Healthy CEO.

5. Boards: Selecting with the Shareholders in Mind.

6. Search Consultants: Seeking the Long-Term Fit Versus the Short-Term Fix.

7. The Candidates: Developing Savvy.

8. Chief Human Resources Officer: Demonstrating Capacity of Influence.

9. Problematic Scenarios: Situations and Events That Can Affect the CEO Selection Process.

10. Benchmarking the CEO Selection Process.

11. Evolution of CEO Selection: The Best Direction.


About the Author.

Index. ...the book is packed with suggestions and insight... (Business Times, 2/02)
Headhunters and any manager involved in senior selection should be queuing up to buy Frederick W Wackerle's book...will interest a wider readership than tl!
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