In the wake of the Russian Revolution and the ensuing civil war, approximately 1.5 million Russians fled their country. Many settled in Prague, where they were welcomed and supported by the newly formed Czechoslovak Republic. This book presents the first full account of Pragues Russian ?migr? community from 1918 to 1939, when the Nazi invasion scattered the inhabitants yet again.Russia Abroadexamines the life of this vibrant community, its activity, achievement, and importance.
Catherine Andreyev and Ivan Savicky explore the reasons that Czechoslovakia embraced the Russian immigrants, the evolution of the Russian community, and why the original idea of supporting Russian ?migr?s and creating an academic center of progressive Russians had to be modified in light of national and international politics. The story they tell not only illuminates aspects of Russian life and culture of the period but also offers insights into later diasporas in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.