Felix Redmill and Tom Anderson have edited one of the first books to appear on this vital subject. This important volume covers the development of computer systems for use in safety-critical applications, the technologies used and the experience of those using them. There are contributions from many leading experts in the field.Preface. The Safety-Critical Systems Club. Current issues. Software in safety-critical applications - a review of current issues. Issues in the development of safety-critical systems. The JFIT safety-critical systems research programme: origins and intentions. Natural language processing for requirements specifications. ViewPoint-orientated development: applications in composite systems. The FOREST technique for system specification and validation. Requirements development for safety-critical systems - a total systems approach. A methodology for requirements management applied to safety requirements. Target qualities of safety professionals. Organisation of industrial training. The IEE draft policy on educational requirements for safety-critical systems engineers. Technology transfer through the teaching company scheme. An industry view of training requirements for safety-critical systems professionals. Safety-critical software professionals in the BCS industry career structure. Safety of medical robots. Engineering safety into expert systems. Safety-critical system monitoring using default-trained neural networks. The European approach to standards in medical informatics. Deficiencies in existing software engineering standards as exposed by SMARTIE. Risk and system integrity concepts for safety-related control systems. Towards safe road transport informatic systems. Defence standard 00-56: background and revision. Index.I would urge anyone who is concerned with safety-sensitive systems to read and contemplate John McDermid's excellent overview of the key issues and to savour some of the other chapters...a uselƒf