Satan is alive and well and living on planet earth. Every day he strategizes how to destroy people's lives through the tests and temptations he runs. One of them is that people must choose to sin and want the devil's malevolent influence in their lives. The more selfishness people choose the more selfishness they can be tempted with. So the Devil makes the wrong choices seem right. He glamorizes absolutely toxic opportunities. We actually face three enemies that want to block us from enjoying the life God has planned for us: The World (1 John 2:15-18); The Flesh (Galatians 5:19-21); and The Devil (Ephesians 6:10-18). Each of these enemies can get in the way of our embracing the great life and good works that God has planned for us (Ephesians 2:10). In this book we will be focusing on just the last of these enemies, the Devil and what his strategies are to rob us of God's abundant life.