There has been nothing like Selfless Self: Talks with Shri Ramakant Maharaj on the market before. This truly is the reader's story. It is the greatest story ever told because it takes you by the hand and methodically, step by step, shows you how to uncover the hidden, living truth that you are. This is ?SelfRevelation in the most direct, meaningful and real way ever! Eureka! What a joy! Your inner master is ?re-awakened, regenerated, revealed at last! Page after page is filled with active, verifiable truth - the reader's truth.
This is absolutely not conceptual ideology. This is a pragmatic manual, a roadmap to Self-Realization. Ramakant Maharaj spent nearly 20 years with the world-famous Master, Nisargadatta Maharaj. He followed his Masters instructions, and in turn, there was self-realization. This Master acts as a mirror in which you can see yourself. The 177 talks in this book guide the reader with a quiet but firm assurance, towards that which he already is. If you seriously and earnestly absorb and follow Ramakant Maharaj's instructions as laid out in this book, then spontaneous enlightenment, realization will arise. Guaranteed!
If the reader is open and receptive, and puts the knowledge into practice, there will be a dramatic ?shift in perception. He will be totally transformed. And not only transformed, but filled with ?gratitude because at last, he KNOWS the answer to the perennial question, Who am I?
In these pages, Shri Ramakant is like a physician. The diagnosis is one of chronic illusion. You think ?you are born and are going to die. You believe that you are a separate individual with a body and mind. You are mistaken , says the physician. All this talk is illusion. So, he sets about remedying this universal condition by prescribing the medicine of Mantra Meditation - to remind you of your True Identity. This is used to clean out your house, by repeatedly sweeping out all the illusory concepts that have been dwelliló"