The classic shotgun reference from one of the top experts in the field.
In this near-legendary handbook, respected firearms expert Bob Brister offers advice, instructions, and solutions to every situation a shotgunner might face, makingShotgunninga guide from which both seasoned veterans and novice shooters will benefit. Based on years of tests, meticulous study of data, and a lifetime of insider expertise, this book will help any shooter make every shot count.
A veritable encyclopedia of the shotgun for the modern shooter and outdoorsman,Shotgunningdetails the selection of guns, loads, and chokes; required leads (translated into bird lengths” for easier shooting recognition); shot velocity and penetration; the effects of recoil on the shooter; wind and temperature effects on shotshells; and much more. Data analysis puts blithely held truths to the test. Myths are debunked, and Brister’s conclusions are supported with hundreds of photographs, lendingShotgunningan authority that many recent, worthwhile books on the subject cannot claim.
Brister brightly and boldly presents his readers with the science of shotgunning, but he never forgets the art that makes shooting a sport.Shotgunningis an elegant and educational mélangea unique and invaluable guidebook that any shotgunner must own.
Skyhorse Publishing is proud to publish a broad range of books for hunters and firearms enthusiasts. We publish books about shotguns, rifles, handguns, target shooting, gun collecting, self-defense, archery, ammunition, knives, gunsmithing, gun repair, and wilderness survival. We publish books on deer hunting, big game hunting, small game hunting, wing shooting, turkey hunting, deer stands, duck blinds, bowhunting, wing shooting, hunting dogs, and more. While not every title we publish becomes aNew York Timesbestseller or a national bestseller, we are committed to publishing books on subjectlÃP