This book begins with the dynamic characteristics of the covering layerbedrock type slope, containing monitoring data of the seismic array, shaking table tests, numerical analysis and theoretical derivation. Then it focuses on the landslide mechanism and assessment method. It also proposes a model that assessing the hazard area based on the field investigations. Many questions, exercises and solutions are given. Researchers and engineers in the field of Geotechnical Engineering and Anti-seismic Engineering can benefit from it.
Introduction.- Analysis of the results of the Earthquake Monitoring Array of Rock Slope in the Xishan Park during 5.12 Wenchuan Earthquake.- Shaking Table Test of Rock Slope.- Numerical Simulation of the dynamic characteristics of rock slope.- Time-Frequency analysis method of acceleration amplification of rock slope with two-side slopes.- Analysis of the deformation characteristics and landslide mechanism of the covering layerbedrock type slope.- Time-Frequency analysis method of seismic stability of the covering layer-bedrock type slope.- Model of assessing Hazard Scope of landslide for the covering layer- bedrock type slope.- Conclusions.- Reference.
Dr. Yang Changwei was graduated from the Department of Civil Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University in 2014. His major is Geotechnical Engineering. He is a Member of the Chinese Society for Rock Mechanics. Dr. Yang Changwei is interested in Geotechnical Engineering as well as disaster prevention and reduction for high-speed railways and highways. He has authored over 50 papers published in peer-reviewed journals, authorized four sets of software copyrights, was the leader author of three sets of Chinese standards, and published three books in Chinese presses. He also won the Liu Huixian Earthquake Engineering Scholarsl³Š