Introducing the debates that inform current social geographic research and theory and interrogating the historical development of social geography,
Social Geography: A Critical Introduction explores how urban and rural spaces are organized in ways that construct and maintain social inequality.
- Puts into context the assumptions of various strains of social geographic thought as they have developed historically
- Assists students in addressing key social geographic questions and methodologies
- Provides a showcase for cutting edge work in the field
- Is written in an accessible and lively style, setting out a wide breadth of social geographic research
List of Figures.
List of Tables.
List of Boxes.
List of Abbreviations.
Cover Image.
Part I Historicizing Social Geography: From Theory to Methodology.
1 Social Geography? What's That?
2 Social Geography in Three Acts and an Epilogue.
3 Thinking Methodologically.
Part II Social Geographies across the Life Course.
4 Social Geography and the Geographies of Health.
5 Communities and Organizations.
6 Social Activism/Social Movements/Social Justice.
Part III Social Geographies through the Life Course.
7 On the Geographies of Children and Young People.
8 Social Geographies of the Mid-Life ?
9 Ageing and the New Social Geographies of Older People.
Part IV Conclusions.
10 Epilogue v. 2.0.
11 Rethinking the Social Geograpl£Á