Social Judgment and Intergroup Relations: Essays in Honor ofMuzafer Sherif is a stimulating collection which paints a crisp and fascinating picture of social psychology during its decades of growth into a mature science. With his important contributions in the study of social norms, attitudes, self concept, group relations, and other areas, Muzafer Sherif was a key figure in the discipline. Each essay in this book illustrates the lasting influence of Muzafer Sherif's seminal work in social psychology.Social Judgment and Intergroup Relations: Essays in Honor ofMuzafer Sherif is a stimulating collection which paints a crisp and fascinating picture of social psychology during its decades of growth into a mature science. With his important contributions in the study of social norms, attitudes, self concept, group relations, and other areas, Muzafer Sherif was a key figure in the discipline. Each essay in this book illustrates the lasting influence of Muzafer Sherif's seminal work in social psychology.I. Sherif: The Man, His Works, and His Legacy.- 1. Muzafer Sherif: Portrait of a Passionate Intellectual.- 2. Sherifs Metatheory and Contemporary Social Psychology.- 3. Some Contributions of Muzafer Sherif to Sociology.- 4. The Importance of Cumulative Effects: A Neglected Emphasis of Sherifs Work.- II. Group Norms, Social Judgment, and Attitude Change.- 5. The Discovery of Group Polarization.- 6. Attitudinal Judgment: The To and Fro of Assimilation-Contrast.- 7. Ego-Involvement and Persuasion: An Appreciative Look at Sherifs Contribution to the Study of Self-Relevance and Attitude Change.- 8. Social Influence and Conformity: A Transorientational Model.- III. Intergroup Relations, Reference Groups, and Cross-Cultural Perspectives.- 9. Emerging Problems Individualism Cannot Solve.- 10. A Model for Identifying and Developing Commitment to Superordinate Goals.- 11. Cross-Cultural Research in Socialó–