The opening chapters suggest that transitions in welfare capitalism can be understood in terms of shifts in dominant 'corporeal' discourses. The body as a focus for power and resistance in differing welfare regimes is further explored in individual contributions on health and social care, bodily metaphors in social policy and the relationship between animal and human welfare. In highlighting the significance of the body in social policy, the book opens up a novel, and potentially rich, vein of academic enquiry.Notes on Contributors Acknowledgements Introduction: Towards and Embodied Account of Welfare; H.Dean Welfare and Bodily Order; Theorising Transitions in Corporeal Discourse; K.Ellis The Care of the Body; K.Ellis The 'Gift' of Body Organs; G.Randhawa Bodies and Dualism; A.Assiter Bodily Metaphors and Welfare Regimes; H.Dean Body, Mind Expertise: Notes on the Polarisation of Health Care Discourse; H.Paley Labouring Bodies: Mothers and Maternity Policy; F.Brooks and H.Lomax Disciplinary Interventions and Resistances around 'Safer Sex'; M.Mitchell The Equality of Bodies: Animal Exploitation and Human Welfare; J.Parry and N.Parry References IndexALISON ASSITER Professor of Feminist Philosophy and Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Social Science at the University of the West of EnglandFIONA BROOKS Principal Research Fellow in the Institute of Health Services Research at the University of LutonHELEN LOMAX Research Fellow in the Institute of Health Services Research at the University of LutonMARTIN MITCHELL Research Fellow in the Institute of Health Services Research at the University of LutonJOHN PALEY Assistant Director of the Institute of Health Services Research at the University of LutonJOS? PARRY Senior Lecture in Sociology at the University of LutonNOEL PARRY author of a number of books on the professions and empirical studies of work and leisure