This book, generated from several EPA documents, initially covers the legal disposal of solvents, but suggests several alternatives and possible ways to reduce the amount of solvents left over during manufacturing processes.Land and Liquid Disposal Bans Title III SARA - The Community's Right to Know Solvent Waste Burning Regulations Waste Minimization Liability Issues Minimization of Process Equipment Cleaning Waste Source Reduction - Parts Cleaning Solvent Waste Minimization by the Coatings Industry What to do With Hazardous Waste: Regulations, Management, and Disposal Waste Reduction for Chlorinated Solvents Users On-Site Reuse and Recycle of Solvents Commercial (Off-Site) Solvent Reclamation Making the Most of Bottoms and Residuals Treatment: Solvent Wastestreams Treatment of Solvent Wastewaters: Focus on Changing Economics Appendix A: Separation Techniques for Solvent Recovery Appendix B: Treatment and Pretreatment Appendix C: Good Operating PracticeThis book, generated from several EPA documents, initially covers the legal disposal of solvents, but suggests several alternatives and possible ways to reduce the amount of solvents left over during manufacturing processes.