In spring, seeds grow. I want to grow like a seed! En primavera, las semillas crecen. ¡Quiero crecer como una semilla! In this bilingual board book, a joyful little boy celebrates all of his favorite things about spring, from seeds growing to puddles splashing.
"In this upbeat bilingual board book, a boy with a head of frizzy curls celebrates the seasonal delights of spring . . . Manso uses simple, direct sentences and a repeating structure, ending each spread with a question that invites reader response . . . Momohara’s photo-collages give the book real charm." —Publishers Weekly
"With engaging text by Susana Madinabeitia Manso and eye-popping photo illustrations by Emily Hanako Momohara, this pair of concept picture books [In Spring/En PrimaveraandIn Autumn/En Otoño] offers an appealing approach to traditions commonly associated with each season." —Lila Quintero Weaver,
Susana Madinabeitia Mansois a Spanish teacher and translator. She received her Masters of Arts at West Virginia University and now teaches Spanish at Miami University.Emily Hanako Momoharais an artist and academic in photography and video arts. She received her Masters of Fine Arts at the University of Kansas and now teaches at the Art Academy of Cincinnati as an Associate Professor.