As the great-great-granddaughter of Sam Houston and Margaret Lea, Madge Thornall Roberts played in her great-grandparents home in Independence, Texas, which had Santa Annas saddle in the upstairs hall, the San Jacinto sword over the mantle, and where she kept her dolls clothes in an old chest of Margaret Leas. Trunks of documents sat unattended in the barn. Some of those papers later were burned, and what remained were divided among descendants. Madge Roberts has gathered these documents together again and, along with other Houston letters and interviews, woven them into the story of the Houstons marriage.
Much is known about Sam Houstons political and military career, but the influence of his wife and children on his life has been overlooked. The letters are astonishing in their emotional honesty, revealing a deep interdependency as well as a close and loving marital partnership.