Whether youre a master crafter, a carpenter, a jewelry designer, or have become passionate about making the best home d?cor in town, now is the time to go from hobby to full-time business owner. And with million shoppers ready to discover your unique offerings it only makes sense to join the largest, most successful online community of creative entrepreneurs on Etsy?.
Our experts have teamed up with successful shop owners to provide you with
Start Your Own Etsy? Business, an easy-to-understand, comprehensive blueprint that takes you through setting up, branding, marketing, and managing your store. Youll learn how to:
Create listings and marketing plans that attract the right customers
Choose keywords and tags design to drive traffic to your shop
Pick the right shipping and packaging methods to meet your inventory needs
Define your brand with carefully crafted logos, product listings, and images
Reach more shoppers with targeted social media and advertising campaigns
Create storytelling product listings and professional looking product photos
Decide when its time to turn your part-time hobby into a full-time business venture
Plus, gain worksheets, templates, resource lists and tips designed to go from passion to profits. If youre ready to share your passion for your craft with millions around the world, this guide is for you.This new addition to
Entrpreneur'sStartup Series provides a non-technical, step-by-step approach to creating an ecommerce site on Etsy, the leading handmade goods selling platform. Features the latest industry resources, trends, best practices and support tools to help readers with:
Etsys integrated Google Shopping Ads toolCreating custom websites using Etsys Pattern serviceUsing Etsys expanded Direct Checkout capability to reach 36 countriesImproved search experience for relevant and personalized search expl“G