The author says, ''Just as the light of a new star continues through the universe long after its explosive beginning, the experience of stillbirth accompanies parents through the years. Far beyond pain and grief, the story continues.'' In this touching and insightful memoir, Emma Mellon, PhD, breaks the silence that accumulates in the decades after a stillbirth, and explores those years for glimpses of her son, Zachary. The questions she asks will resonate with parents who've endured similar losses, and with the people who love them. Twenty-eight years after my childs death and birth, does the relationship continue? Does his brief life have meaning for me today? Am I still a parent after all this time? How is he present in my life now? How do I make sense of what happened to us? What does it mean to keep his memory alive? The Readers Guide offers parents the opportunity to ask and answer their own questions, and to discover their ongoing connections with their stillborns.