Survival Reading Skills for Secondary Students is your guide for working with struggling students in grades 5-12 no matter what their reading ability. This valuable resource is a down-to-earth guide that contains countless classroom-tested strategies that reading and content area teachers can use to reinforce skills that students must master to read effectively. In addition, the book offers ready-to-use activity sheets designed to improve competency in a number of relevant reading skills. Students will learn how to fill in a job application, read an airline schedule, apply for a driver's license, and practice many more useful real-life skills.
For quick access and easy use, the book is organized in seven sections and printed in a big 8 ½ X 11 lay-flat format for easy photocopying. The following is just a small sample of the many strategies, assessments, inventories, and activities featured in each section:
1. INFORMAL READING ASSESSMENT TOOLS FOR OLDER STUDENTS: Includes a Content Reading Inventory. . . lists of sample words from a range of content areas including English, social studies, science, and mathematics&an informal assessment to determine a student's approximate instructional reading level.
2. STRATEGIES AND ACTIVITIES FOR IMPROVING SKILLS TO IDENTIFY CONTENT SIGHT WORDS: Provides reproducible copies of words needed for computer literacy . . . strategies for improving students' ability to recognize and identify important content and daily-living words . . . activities that include a reversed crossword puzzle and a magic square from science.
3. STRATEGIES AND ACTIVITIES FOR IMPROVING BASIC PHONIC SKILLS: Contains the basic phonic elements in which older students should be competent . . . seven helpful phonic generalizations . . . activity sheets that challenge students to complete a shopping list al!