Preliminary Historical Remarks on the Literature of Java.- 00001 The Importance of Javanese Literature.- 00010 Javanese Literature and Javanese Civilization.- 00020 Outline of the Development of Javanese Literature, Four Eras.- 00030 The Javanese Language, historically.- 00035 Javanese Manners of Speech.- 00040 Forms of Literature, Prose and Rhythmic Prose.- 00050 Poetry ruled by Indian Prosody.- 00060 Poetic forms of indigenous origin, Popular Verse.- 00070 Macapat Prosody.- 00080 Javanese-Indian Script.- 00090 Arabic Script.- 00100 Latin Script, transcription systems.- 00110 Orthography.- 00120 Chronology.- 00130 Writing Material and Books.- 00140 Books and Treatises on Javanese Literature, Bibliography.- 00145 List of Abbreviations.- Synopsis of Javanese Literature, 9001900 A.D..- One: Religion and Ethics.- 10.000 Old Javanese Religious Literature.- 10.010 ff. ?iwaitic speculative treatises with Sanskrit ?lokas.- 10.200 f. Buddhist speculative treatises with Sanskrit slokas.- 10.400 ff. Tuturs, Old Javanese ?iwaism.- 10.600 ff. Tuturs, Old Javanese Buddhism.- 10.800 ff. Non-Islamic religious texts from Java written in buda script; T??g?r manuscripts.- 11.000 Javanese-Balinese Religious Literature (group A).- 11.010 ff. Speculative tuturs and books of notes of Javanese origin (group A).- 11.200 ff. Speculative tuturs and books of notes of Balinese origin (group A).- 11.400 Treatises on Ritual and Offerings (group B).- 11.410 ff. ?iwaitic Ritual (group B).- 11.700 ff. Buddhist Ritual (group B).- 11.800 Divine Worship; Mantras, ?lokas and Hymns, etc. (group C).- 11.810 ff. Sanskrit ?lokas (group C).- 12.000 ff. Incantations and Prayers (group C).- 12.200 ff. Yoga and Sam?dhi (group C).- 12.400 ff. Exorcism (group C).- 12.600 ff. Devotional Practice, tapa brata (group C).- 12.800 ff. Religious Poetry, Songs (group C).- 13.000 Old Javanese and Javanese-Balinese Moralistic Literature (group D).- 13.010 f. Buddhist Moralistic texts (group D).- 13.100 ff. Moralistic MaxlcÉ