An excellent book for faculty who regard teaching as more than a set of techniques. Menges and Weimer focus on connecting teaching with student learning, and they help faculty develop a systematic inquiry into teaching strategies, as well as showing them how to better utilize students assessment in the classroom. ?Larry Braskamp, dean of the College of Education, University of Illinois, Chicago1. Using Scholarship to Improve Practice(Maryellen Weimer).
Part One: Students and Learning.
2. Teaching and Today's College Students(M. Lee Upcraft).
3. Making the Transition to College(Patrick T. Terenzini, Laura I. Randoan, Susan B. Millar, M. Lee Upcraft, Patricia Gregg, Romero Jalomo, Kevin W. Allison).
4. Student Motivation from a Teaching Perspective(Raymond P. Perry, Verena H. Menec, C. Ward Struthers).
5. Collaborative Learning: Creating Knowledge with Students(Roberta S. Matthews).
6. Assessing Student Involvement in Learning(Robert Froh, Mark Hawkes).
Part Two: Teachers and Teaching.
7. Teaching Today's Students Requires a New Role for Faculty(Susan B. Millar).
8. Research on Learning: A Means to Enhance Instruction(Marilla D. Svinivki, Anastasia S. Hagen, Debra K. Meyer).
9. Planning and Developing Effective Courses(George L. Geis).
10. Assignments That Promote and Integrate Learning(Joe Lowman).
11. Feedback That Enhances Teaching and Learning(Robert J. Menges, William C. Rando).
Part Three: Issues and Contexts: Higher Education Today.
12. What College Teachers Need to Know(Sarah M. Dinham).
13. Instructor Vitality: Some Provocative Implications of Theory and Research on Human Motivatlƒ¡