
Technologies for Active Aging [Hardcover]

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  • Category: Books (Family & Relationships)
  • ISBN-10:  1441983473
  • ISBN-10:  1441983473
  • ISBN-13:  9781441983473
  • ISBN-13:  9781441983473
  • Publisher:  Springer
  • Publisher:  Springer
  • Pages:  228
  • Pages:  228
  • Binding:  Hardcover
  • Binding:  Hardcover
  • Pub Date:  01-Mar-2013
  • Pub Date:  01-Mar-2013
  • SKU:  1441983473-11-SPRI
  • SKU:  1441983473-11-SPRI
  • Item ID: 100897260
  • List Price: $109.99
  • Seller: ShopSpell
  • Ships in: 5 business days
  • Transit time: Up to 5 business days
  • Delivery by: Apr 02 to Apr 04
  • Notes: Brand New Book. Order Now.
The challenge of population aging requires innovative approaches to meet the needs of increasing numbers of older people. Emerging information and communication technologies (ICTs), such as pervasive computing and ambient assistive technology, have considerable potential for enhancing the quality of life of many older people by providing additional safety and security while also supporting mobility, independent living, and social participation. The proposed book will be a landmark publication in the area of technology and aging that will serve as a statement of the current state-of-the-art and as a pointer to directions for future research and emerging technologies, products, and services.

This is a landmark publication in the area of technology and aging. Exploring key application areas, it serves as a statement of the current state-of-the-art and as a pointer to directions for future research and emerging technologies, products, and services.

The two phenomena are occurring side by side: a rapidly growing elder population and a burgeoning tech sector. Where a few years ago these worlds would not have met, a new generation of older adults has grown comfortable with technology and open to its possibilities for improving their lives as they age.

?Technologies for Active Aging offers novel answers to a range of aging issues, from safety and mobility to cognition and continence. Written for the non-technical reader, the book examines the potential of information and communicative technologies such as pervasive computing, smart environments, and robotics to enhance seniors' quality of life and encourage independent living, better care and self-care, and social participation.

Diversity is emphasized here, in terms of the life areas addressed, the perspectives of elders and caregivers, and the global reach of those working toward solutions. This state-of-the-field volume looks ahead to futurelC&

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