This fine collection of essays from a diverse group of authors expounding on a wide variety of subjects presents a generous sampling of the new philosophy of technology. Choice
... informative, original, and provocative.... Many of the writers are major players in defining the contested political terrain of cultural, science, and technology studies as well as critical theory and Heidegger studies. Gerald Doppelt
I. Technology as Ideology
1. Subversive Rationalization: Technology, Power, and Democracy/Andrew Feenberg
2. New Science, New Nature: The Habermas-Marcuse Debate Revisited/Steven Vogel
3. On the Notion of Technology as Ideology/Robert B. Pippin
II. Technology and the Moral Order
4. Citizen Virtues in a Technological Order/Langdon Winner
5. The Moral Significance of the Material Culture/Albert Borgmann
III. The Question of Heidegger
6. Heidegger on Gaining a Free Relation to Technology/Hubert L. Dreyfus
7. Heidegger and the Design of Computer Systems/Terry Winograd
8. Heidegger on Technology and Democracy/Tom Rockmore
IV. Media Theories: The Politics of Seeing
9. Image Technologies and Traditional Culture/Don Ihde
10. Technology and the Civil Epistemology of Drmocracy/Yaron Ezrahi
V. Feminist Perspectives: Knowledge and Bodies
11. Situated Knowledges: The Science Question in Feminism and the Privilege of Partial Perspective/Donna Haraway
12. Knowledge, Bodies, and Values: Reproductive Technologies and Their Scientific Context/Helen E. Longino
VI. Eccentric Positions
13. Sade, the Mechanization of the Libertine Body, and the Crisis of Reason/Marcel Henaff
14. The Archimedean Point and Eccentricity: Hannah Arendts Philosophy of Science and Technology/Pieter Tijmes
VII. The Human and the Non-Human
15. Gilbert Simondons Plea for a Philosophy of Technology/Paul Dumouchel
16. A Door Must Either Be Open or Shut: A Little Philosophy of Techniques/Brunol“9