The editors of this 1991 volume brought together contributions from experts in the field of teleconnections.Teleconnections is a central concept in the scientific search for an improved understanding of potential linkages between weather and climate anomalies that occur over relatively large distances. The editors of this 1991 volume brought together contributions from experts in the field, which together provide a comprehensive review of this important subject.Teleconnections is a central concept in the scientific search for an improved understanding of potential linkages between weather and climate anomalies that occur over relatively large distances. The editors of this 1991 volume brought together contributions from experts in the field, which together provide a comprehensive review of this important subject.Teleconnections is a central concept in the scientific search for an improved understanding of potential linkages between weather and climate anomalies that occur over relatively large distances. The editors of this 1991 volume brought together contributions from experts in the field, which together provide a comprehensive review of this important subject. This book will be of importance to all professional scientists and researchers in climatology and meteorology, particularly those concerned with air-sea interactions and their environmental impacts and the physical basis for and societal responses to forecasting. Graduate students in environmental science, meteorology and climate-related impact assessments will also find the book useful.Part I. Introduction: 1. Introduction Michael H. Glantz; 2. General characteristics of El Nino-southern oscillation Kevin E. Trenberth; Part II. Regional case studies of teleconnections: physical aspects: 3. Brazil's climate anomalies and ENSO Pao-Shin Chu; 4. Australasia R. J. Allan; 5. West Africa Peter J. Lamb and Randy A. Peppler; 6. The Asian snow cover-monsoon-ENSO connection T. P. Barnett, L. Dumenil, U. Schlese, E. l#,