Tending the Fire: Through War and The Path of Meditation Raised on a South Carolina sea island, tempered by experiences in the Vietnam War, and trained as a psychotherapist, Ralph Steele decided midlife that tending the fire of his life would be to take robes as a forest monk in Thailand and Myanmar-for a year or for a lifetime. He left his career and twenty-year relationship without knowing if he would return. Tending the Fire is the gripping, enlightening, and very human story of Ralph's transformative journey through war and meditation to a sense of wholeness, responsibility, peace, and compassion.
Partial Endorsements:
Ralph Steele's memoir will be of great value, an inspiration for many who are seeking release from ignorance and suffering Ajahn Sumedho
A beautifully written, humbling, uplifting, and profoundly sweet and electrifying life story illustrating the transformative value of the cultivation of mindfulness . . . Jon Kabat-Zinn, author of Full Catastrophe Living: Using the Wisdom of Your Body and Mind to Face Stress, Pain, and Illness
One can't help but marvel at Ralph Steele's extraordinary life. Joseph Goldstein, author of Mindfulness: A Practical Guide to Awakening
Buddha was a Kshatriya; he came from the warrior class, Ralph, too is a warrior who, like Buddha, had to climb the walls of his enclosures to breathe the fresh air. Stephen and Ondrea Levine, authors of Becoming Kuan Yin: The Evolution of Compassion and The Healing I Took Birth For
Ralph is able to show us, in an unflinchingly graphic story, what is at once intimate and honest, heart-shredding and tender. Wayne Muller, M. Div., author of Sabbath: Finding Rest, Renewal, and Delight in Our Busy Ll“9