Tending Inner Gardens: The Healing Art of Feminist Psychotherapy transforms the theory and practice of psychotherapy, one that values both the feminine and masculine perspectives. Set within a naturalistic framework, this model utilizes natures growing and healing processes. It proposes natures seasonal cycles as a model for the psychotherapy process, and author Lesley Irene Shore introduces natures seasonal cycle as a model for successful psychotherapy and demonstrates how to tune techniques to the rhythms of each season.Dr. Shore speaks with the voice of an experienced psychotherapist, sharing her struggles with therapeutic dilemmas and addressing issues common to every practitioner. She refuses to present simple solutions to the difficult process of helping people grow, yet offers new ways of thinking about this work. Readers will find this a healing book--for themselves as well as for their clients.The book covers relationship issues as well as the use of language, hypnosis, dreams, and creativity. Specific areas readers learn about include:
- language--teaches therapists to differentiate between questions that address conscious regions of the mind and ones which communicate with less conscious processes.
- metaphor--describes ways of working with metaphors to access less conscious processes
- trauma--explores the effects of psychological trauma and offers tools for healing its wounds
- psychotherapy process--uses natures seasonal cycle to chart the process of psychotherapyTending Inner Gardens transcends the artificial dichotomies currently characterizing much psychological thought. Psychotherapists will be interested in the natural model of psychotherapy which integrates a wide range of ideas and theories, especially the sections on the psychotherapy relationship, dreams, creativity, working with metaphors, language, and the process of psychotherapy. Interesting case studies illuminate lĂ0