John Kenneth Galbraith's third novel, A Tenured Professor, is at once an intriguing tale of morality and a comic delight. Montgomery Martin, a Harvard economics professor, creates a stock forecasting model, which makes it possible for him to uncover society's hidden agendas. Seeking proof that human folly has no limit when motivated by greed, Martin initiates mass hysteria that causes investors to assume that up is the only direction. Hailed as Galbraith's wisest and wittiest novel (New York Times), A Tenured Professor is an impudently satirical tale.
John Kenneth Galbraith's third novel, A Tenured Professor, is at once an intriguing tale of morality and a comic delight. Montgomery Martin, a Harvard economics professor, creates a stock forecasting model, which makes it possible for him to uncover society's hidden agendas. Seeking proof that human folly has no limit when motivated by greed, Martin initiates mass hysteria that causes investors to assume that up is the only direction. Hailed as Galbraith's wisest and wittiest novel (New York Times), A Tenured Professor is an impudently satirical tale.