Everyone is creativeeven you! You have THREE INTELLIGENCE CENTERS, which serve as DISTINCT SOURCES for CREATIVITY. Each one is EQUAL in its capacity to deliver breakthrough results. Learn how to take advantage of each source in your own creative process: Your head, heart and gut intuition. The goal is for one source not to suffocate the other two sources, but to unite and create intersections bringing forth synergistic NEW CREATIVE LIFE. Find out why: Creativity is a mystery and is tapped into by three sources There are six natural creative patterns flowing from the three centers You are undervaluing your own creative strengths This is not another book about theory or someone elses prescription for creativity. It is about YOUR OWN UNIQUE BRAND OF CREATIVITY. The Three Sources of Creativity contains a self-assessment, exemplars (modern and ancient), many illustrations and exercises/applications tailored to you. It offers a new way of looking at creativity, and takes a long view of approaching your creative life. You learn about how the three sources of creativity work in your life and the iconic characters lives. This candid evolutionary view opens new windows for revolutionary creative change. You complete a three-center self-assessment and learn about your composite creative process, through your head, heart, and gut centers. You learn which center is: most dominant, supportive, and which is least used or hidden. This composite significantly impacts your creativity. Unlocking your undervalued/underused center is key. By proactively building your three centers awareness, you build muscle memory and can multiply your creativity. You will explore a chosen problem/opportunity that you have passion for throughout the book. In Part 1, three distinct ways to tap into creativity are explored to gain creative self-confidence. In Part 2, we apply the concepts of the three sources of creativity to our lives. We learn about the six creative patterns naturally flowilÐ