This book provides instruction and examples of the core methods in time series econometrics, drawing from several main fields of the social sciences.Time-Series Analysis for Social Sciences provides accessible, up-to-date instruction and examples of the core methods in time-series econometrics. The book covers ARIMA models, time-series regression, unit-root diagnosis, vector autoregressive models, error-correction models, intervention models, fractional integration, ARCH models, structural breaks, and forecasting. Examples, including example programming code and instructions, are drawn from several areas of social science, including political behavior, elections, international conflict, criminology, and comparative political economy.Time-Series Analysis for Social Sciences provides accessible, up-to-date instruction and examples of the core methods in time-series econometrics. The book covers ARIMA models, time-series regression, unit-root diagnosis, vector autoregressive models, error-correction models, intervention models, fractional integration, ARCH models, structural breaks, and forecasting. Examples, including example programming code and instructions, are drawn from several areas of social science, including political behavior, elections, international conflict, criminology, and comparative political economy.Time-series, or longitudinal, data are ubiquitous in the social sciences. Unfortunately, analysts often treat the time-series properties of their data as a nuisance rather than a substantively meaningful dynamic process to be modeled and interpreted. Time-Series Analysis for Social Sciences provides accessible, up-to-date instruction and examples of the core methods in time-series econometrics. Janet M. Box-Steffensmeier, John R. Freeman, Jon C. Pevehouse, and Matthew P. Hitt cover a wide range of topics including ARIMA models, time-series regression, unit-root diagnosis, vector autoregressive models, error-correction models, intervention models, fractionl£q