Fiction. Short Stories. In William Baer's TIMES SQUARE AND OTHER STORIES, there are everyday characters walking extraordinary paths for love; there are smart, skillful characters struggling to reconcile their viewpoints and convictions with the status quo in fields such as art, education, the cinema and religious doctrine. There is baseball and the story of the skills, training and ethics of pitching in the big leagues. And there is war and an enemy invasion juxtaposed with a do-or-die chess game. The stories take us coast to coast from New York to LA, away to South America, and overseas to Eastern and Western Europe. This is a fun-filled, fact-filled collection that smoothly melds scholarship with the everyday for unique, fresh, and highly intelligent stories, which are also highly entertaining.
How wonderful to come across such a serious collection of short stories! Not 'serious' as in boring and tendentious; but serious as in grown- up, broadminded, large-hearted, sharply observed, and dryly, obliquely funny. Bill Baer's fiction kicks ass. —Pinckney Benedict
As elegantly written as they are inventive, the short stories in TIMES SQUARE AND OTHER STORIES engage the reader all the way from the title piece, an ambitious tale that draws upon art, love, and the complex beauty of the human narrative, through eight other works that touch upon the timeless questions of what it means to create and to act, to be and to pretend. Baer's collection achieves that Horatian goal so sorely lacking in much of contemporary fiction—informing while delighting at the same time. The obligation to craft is taken very seriously in these pages, but the effort that undoubtedly went into their composition could easily be overlooked due to the skill with which they are rendered, and the degree to which they are enjoyed. —A.G. Harmon
TIMES SQUARE AND OTHER STORIES, William Baer's twice-measured fictions, channel the reflecting reflections olc-