This text describes a series of models, propositions, and algorithms developed in recent years on time-varying networks. References and discussions on relevant problems and studies that have appeared in the literature are integrated in the book. Its eight chapters consider problems including the shortest path problem, the minimum-spanning tree problem, the maximum flow problem, and many more. The time-varying traveling salesman problem and the Chinese postman problem are presented in a chapter together with the time-varying generalized problem. While these topics are examined within the framework of time-varying networks, each chapter is self-contained so that each can be read and used separately.
This text describes a series of models, propositions, and algorithms developed in recent years on time-varying networks. References and discussions on relevant problems and studies that have appeared in the literature are integrated in the book.
Network ?ow optimization problems may arise in a wide variety of important ?elds, such as transportation, telecommunication, computer networking, ?nancial planning, logistics and supply chain management, energy systems, etc. Signi?cant and elegant results have been achieved onthetheory,algorithms,andapplications,ofnetwork?owoptimization in the past few decades; See, for example, the seminal books written by Ahuja, Magnanti and Orlin (1993), Bazaraa, Jarvis and Sherali (1990), Bertsekas (1998), Ford and Fulkerson (1962), Gupta (1985), Iri (1969), Jensen and Barnes (1980), Lawler (1976), and Minieka (1978). Most network optimization problems that have been studied up to date are, however, static in nature, in the sense that it is assumed that it takes zero time to traverse any arc in a network and that all attributes of the network are constant without change at any time. Networks in the real world are, nevertheless, time-varying in essence, in which any ?ow must take a certain amount of time tlƒ8