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Around the world, as societies embrace a more integrated view of health, there is mounting evidence that parks and protected areas contribute to a healthy civil society. While tourism and outdoor recreation revenue help to make the case for investing in park and protected area designation and management, tourism impacts need to be carefully managed so that visitors don't destroy the very natural wonders that attracted them to a destination in the first place.
This book features contributions from tourism and recreation researchers and practitioners exploring the relationship between tourism, hospitality, protected areas, livelihoods and both physical and emotional human wellbeing. The book will include sections focused on theory, policy and practice, and case studies.Around the world, as societies embrace a more integrated view of health, there is mounting evidence that parks and protected areas contribute to a healthy civil society. Outdoor recreation and tourism play an important role in individual human mental, physical, and spiritual health as well as in collective social wellbeing and natural resource stewardship.
While tourism and outdoor recreation revenue help to make the case for investing in park and protected area designation and management, tourism impacts need to be carefully managed so that visitors don't destroy the very natural wonders that attracted them to a destination in the first place.
This book features contributions from tourism and recreation researchers and practitioners exploring the relationship between tourism, hospitality, protected areas, livelihoods and both physical and emotional human wellbeing. The book will include sections focused on theory, policy and practice, and case studies.
? Showcases best/worst case examples and good practice for park and protected area tourism development
? Multi-disciplinary approach to the study of nature-based tourism
? Innovative applĂ
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